
A Non-profit Organization to Help Students Study, Explore, and Engage

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Advertising on Academix

The following examples show the sizes and placements of ads on the academix website.
There are no setup fees.

A minimum CDN $10.00 purchase is required to qualify. If you have selected a smaller ad, you can top up the amount by placing the ad on multiple pages.
A 3.6% + 15 cents processing fee applies to your base charges when using a credit card.


How Does it Work?

After you are finished creating your ad, choose the academix page and location on that page where you want your ad to appear. Contact our IT provider via email or phone to place an ad. The contact information appears in the frame below.

(see in separate tab)





Option A
Horizontal Tile
455 x 150 pixels

Click here to see example placement.

CDN$ 6.50/month
Option B
Single Tile
144 x 180 pixels

Click here to see example placement.

CDN$ 2.60/month
Option C
Custom Size
Click here to see example placement.

Calculated based on per pixel per month.
  The formula for calculating the price for a custom ad is as follows.
Create a W x H pixels image.

W = the image width in pixels
H = the image height in pixels

The monthly price per pixel is .
The following example is an image of size 488 x 282 pixels.
Calculate the area, which is the total number of pixels used
488 x 282 = 137,616 pixels
The base cost of this particular image size is
($0.01 * 137,616)/100¢ = CDN$ 13.76 per month.
When applying credit card processing fees, the final cost becomes
(CDN$ 13.76 * 1.036) + 0.15 = CDN$ 14.41

See AHS example

Academix: Study, Explore, Engage...