A Non-profit Organization to Help Students Study, Explore, and Engage
What is Adaption? |
Cool Stuff: "...It was so big that Russell suspected it had been faked, a concern that was dispelled through X-rays of its skeleton. Comparison with living geckos led to the surprising conclusion that it likely came from New Zealand, a country about 19,000 kilometres from France." Read on here... Spore-forming bacteria see also Endospores. |
Natural and Artificial Selection |
Cell Organelles |
Quizlet (by Volunteers) |
Cells and Systems 2.0 |
https://quizlet.com/ca/349448934/cells-systems-20-flash-cards/ | |
Cells (on Khan Academy) |
Multicellular versus Unicellular Organisms |
Diffusion Through a Membrane Lab - Part 1 making the model cell |
Microscope Parts and Functions |
Your Body's Molecular Machines |
Lab Report Tutorial |
https://people.ucalgary.ca/~biolcore/biol233/Lab_Report_Tutorial.pdf |
How to Write a Lab Report for 8th Graders |
PDF download |
Trichoplax Adhaerens (Tplax) Looking beyond classical system... Tplax has the smallest known genome in the animal kingdom, no neurons, no muscles, goes directly from cells to organisms, makes no tissues, no tissues. Reproduces by tearing itself into pieces. |
Introduction to Human Behavioral Biology Lesson 1 Prof. Robert Sapolsky Stanford University |
Click here for full lecture collection (25 lessons). |
Neuronal Dynamics | This course gives an introduction to the field of theoretical and computational neuroscience with a focus on models of single neurons. Neurons encode information about stimuli in a sequence of short electrical pulses (spikes). Students will learn how mathematical tools such as differential equations, phase plane analysis, separation of time scales, and stochastic processes can be used to understand the dynamics of neurons and the neural code. https://www.edx.org/course/neuronal-dynamics |
Computational Neuroscience: Neuronal Dynamics of Cognition |
This course explains the mathematical and computational models that are used in the field of theoretical neuroscience to analyze the collective dynamics of thousands of interacting neurons. https://www.edx.org/course/computational-neuroscience-neuronal-dynamics-of-cognition-0 |
"Thousands of microscopic worms will be launched into space — wriggling around in SpaceX's next cargo shipment to the International Space Station aboard the SpaceX Dragon."
Biochemistry: Biomolecules, Methods, and Mechanisms
Do you want to prepare for medical school, study a STEM field, become a research scientist, or transition to a career in the booming biotechnology industry? Or maybe you just want to understand the chemical reactions that govern life itself. Join Professor Yaffe, an MIT professor and practicing surgeon, as he guides you through the science that inspires countless doctors, researchers, and students alike.
Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/mcat/biomolecules/mendelian-genetics/v/an-introduction-to-mendelian-genetics
Graph Algorithms in Genome Sequencing:
In this course, part of the Algorithms and Data Structures MicroMasters program, you will learn how graph algorithms are used in two fundamental problems in modern biology:
Molecular Biology - Part 1: DNA Replication and Repair (MIT)
An in-depth adventure through DNA replication and repair to strengthen your scientific thinking and experimental design skills.
Trying out change, experiment with RNA so not to mess with future generations. |
What you need to know about CRISPR |
Did you know? Mature red cells
do not contain DNA. The inability to carry out protein synthesis
due to lack of DNA means that no virus can evolve to target mammalian red blood cells. |
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